The Ukrainian won the contest of architectural projects, combining landscapes of Peru with Khrushchev.
Kharkov Mikhail Ponomarenko, working as a designer in the United States, won the international architectural competition Fairy Tales 2017. His rivals were 1200 architects from 60 countries. The participants ‘ task is to present five illustrations, a fantastic story, which is based on the architectural design.
TALE. Michael presented a tale-the utopia of the “Last day” is about three friends who puteshestvuet the world on the red “Volga”. As told to us by the winner, his “tales” takes place in some alternate reality in 1976 in the Soviet Union after the invention of the antigravity engines that helped people to circumvent the laws of nature. Heroes “Last day” travelling to one soaring in the atmosphere of the rings. On their way they discover the town is Votregis where there is no gravity. “The characters in the illustrations are my real friends. The story ends when they go home inspired by “the last day” before the beginning of the era of new technologies”, — says Mikhail.
For images of fairy tale reality, he joined the mountain landscapes of Peru with Khrushchev to his native Kharkov. The author was inspired by the works of the architect from Denmark, Bjarke of Ingels and his that works in a similar manner. Draw your picture of Michael with the help of photoshop. “But this is not a trivial collage with a bunch of filters, and freehand drawing, as if you were drawing with gouache. And my photos from a trip to Peru became the basis for paintings, — told the “Today” winner. In the illustrations I’ve combined the classic Peruvian landscapes with fantastic facilities and carefully inserted into the landscape”.
PRIZE. The work of the Ukrainian recognized as the best by a jury of 20 internationally renowned architects. While the prizes of the contest took place in Washington, where Michael and handed over the main prize of 2 thousand dollars. “Plan to buy a professional bike. I will go in long trips — from 50 km to collect new scenery”, — said the designer.
A trip to Kharkiv and visa. To 26 years Michael lived in Kharkov, where he studied architecture in University of urban economy named. Beketov. And after graduation of the master began to look for an internship abroad. “I dreamed of working on landscape architecture in a large company: send CV and portfolio to Europe, USA, Australia and even China. Finally, in September of 2014, a year search, I passed the Skype interview with the employer from Florida and moved to Fort Lauderdale. The internship lasted about a year, but now working as a designer for companies in the US that designs hotels around the world,” — said Ponomarenko us.
According to him, for obtaining a license architect in the U.S., he will have to consider a designer designer about 3 years. “Every year at Christmas able to go to Kharkov where my mother lives. But next winter scary movies. There are concerns that impose restrictions on entry for non-resident aliens of the United States with work visas. No one knows what will change tomorrow. I will consult with a lawyer,” added Michael.
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