In Ukraine plan to cancel all taxes on electric cars

7 years ago

The Ministry of infrastructure consider that the proposed set of incentives will ensure the consistent development of the electric car…

Svitolina in Istanbul he designed the third title of the season

7 years ago

The strongest tennis player of Ukrainian Elina Svitolina became a champion clay tournament of series WTA Intarnational in Istanbul.For the…

How often you review horror movies and that was revised last time? (POLL)

7 years ago

Talk about horror, friends? Sometimes it's because we are so great! By default, all of us here at Zone Horror,…

Smile Xenomorph on the new poster of “Alien: the Testament”

7 years ago

From fresh shots from the upcoming cosmowarrior "Alien: Covenant" it's a bit dazzled, but the fit of the posters does…

Poroshenko asked to ban the popular search engine

7 years ago

President urged to ban the activities of Russian search engine in Ukraine.Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has urged to ban the…

Ukraine has increased the price of pork

7 years ago

In General, pork has risen by 2 UAH/kg.If in the middle of the month the rise in price of pork…

Sophisticated Jessica Alba graced the cover of ELLE

7 years ago

The American actress is not the first time, graces the cover of world famous magazine.Jessica Alba from the movie stars…

Singer Linda presented the new song and tell what is going on in her life

7 years ago

Photo Of Grigory Sobchenko/ In the 90-ies of the singer Linda (Svetlana Gaiman) was at the peak of popularity…

Accident in Kiev: the foreign car in full operation ran into the truck

7 years ago

The driver of the car lost control.In Kiev, on the Boulevard Lepse, the car KIA at high speed crashed into…

“Ah, the wedding, wedding…”: funny photo make you smile

7 years ago

Funny wedding pictures.Great collection of wedding images that transmit the entire joyful atmosphere of the holiday.And even if during the…