In Instagram there is a new useful feature

7 years ago

In Instagram Direct appeared links, landscapes and orientation of the images.In the social network Instagram has two new features for…

In Peru, scientists discovered a unique find

7 years ago

In Peru found friezes depicting ancient deities of the Chavin culture.A new discovery was made by scientists at the Peruvian…

Tyson signed a new contract with Shakhtar

7 years ago

Midfielder of the national team of Brazil Tyson remains in Ukraine until the summer of 2021.Previous Tyson's contract with Shakhtar…

Published the first photos of “charged” BMW M4 GT4

7 years ago

Racing novelty is already available for order, prices start from 169 000 euros. Showing BMW M4 GT4 was held at…

Fighter Russia staged a daring provocation near the American aircraft

7 years ago

A Russian fighter jet tried to intercept an American plane in Syria.A Russian fighter jet recently held a "non-professional" interception…

Semenchenko urged to revoke the citizenship of residents of Donbass

7 years ago

According to him, citizenship is not necessary for people who deliberately live in occupied territories.The people's Deputy Semyon Semenchenko said…

Model again! The media learned the name of the new sweetheart of Leonardo DiCaprio

7 years ago

The last couple of days all the media and fans of Leonardo Di Caprio discuss the gap of the actor…

These funny dogs with eyebrows, cheer the sad

7 years ago

The owners above them mocked. Just a couple of lines, and how the kind of animal. You will long to…

The boorish behavior of trump at the NATO summit has angered members of the Network. Video

7 years ago

At the NATO summit trump pushed the Prime Minister of Montenegro.The President of the United States of America Donald trump…

Massive fire in Russia: footage from the scene of the tragedy. Video

7 years ago

Yesterday Sibir embraced large-scale fires.In the network appeared the first photos and video burned to the ground during large-scale fire…