Accident in Kiev: two broken car

7 years ago

The accident occurred on Victory Avenue.Today, 4th of July, Sulewski the overpass in the left lane collided Lexus and Toyota…

“The larva biker” and other funny demotivators

7 years ago

All smiles and have a great dayAnother portion of humor for all lovers of fun.All smiles and have a great…

State of emergency in Russia: lit floating nuclear power station

7 years ago

The causes of the incident are being investigated.Under construction in St. Petersburg floating nuclear power plant "Akademik Lomonosov" was a…

“Grandmother Putin” destroyed the headquarters of Navalny in Krasnodar. Video

7 years ago

Pensioners also stole the property of the staff.On Tuesday, July 4, a group of more than a hundred retirees, calling…

The Network has released the first four minutes of the film “spider-Man: coming home.” Video

7 years ago

Peter Parker goes to Berlin at the request of Tony stark.The world premiere of the highly anticipated film spider-Man: the…

In Italy, the cops staged a real hunt for the leaders of the mafia

7 years ago

Police launched a full-scale operation.In Italy more than a thousand police launched an operation against members of the Italian organized…

Revenge of the Russian Federation: Serbia made a loud statement about the EU membership

7 years ago

Between the two banks, the EU and the Russian Federation, the Serbs choose the first.The new Prime Minister of Serbia,…

Bride Nikita Presnyakov told about the honeymoon plans

7 years ago

The wedding is planned for July 27At the end of July in the family Christina Aguilera will be one of…

The defense Ministry said the number of Russian mercenaries in the Donbas and Crimea

7 years ago

According to the defense Ministry, armed Russian troops are missile systems Tochka, tanks, armored combat vehicles, Grad."Only temporarily occupied territory…

In Kiev appeared an unusual street sculpture

7 years ago

It was created at the initiative of the German pilot Guido NikolausNear sign of the Magdebourg right, there was an…