It looks like the most creative in the world of transport. Photo

7 years ago

Such transport is not seen in any other place.Everyone is used to the generic forms of transport, such as buses,…

Scary stuff: Ghost of the woman in white caught on camera. Video

7 years ago

In an old mansion noticed a Ghost.Visitors of historic house in the United States and captured on video a strange…

Dynamo Kharkiv minimal beat “Shakhtar”

7 years ago

The Central match of the second round of the Ukrainian Premier League ended with the unexpected defeat of the current…

The rating of ideal countries for tourism: at what point Ukraine

7 years ago

Ukraine is on the 88th place in the ranking of tourism.In the ranking of tourism competitiveness the Travel & Tourism…

A terrible tragedy in Mariupol: 2-year-old boy died in the dentist chair

7 years ago

The child died after General anesthesia.Today, July 22, at a private dental clinic Mariupol died 2-year-old boy made after General…

In Ukraine announced the release of gas buses

7 years ago

"Bogdan motors" has completed the preparation for serial production.In Ukraine will let out buses that run on gas. The corresponding…

The largest banks of Ukraine got into the privatization list

7 years ago

Oschadbank, PrivatBank, Ukreximbank and Ukrgasbank will be privatized.The Ministry of economic development and trade unveiled a list of state enterprises,…

This vegetable can replace medication for many ailments

7 years ago

Even 60 years beets will restore sight, save the liver and protects against cancerMost people consider health the most important…

LG has launched a new flexible dynamics

7 years ago

LG introduced a new concept of portable speakersPortable speakers do not lose their relevance, because many companies are experimenting with…

Named the best country in the world for retirees

7 years ago

Ukraine in this study, unfortunately, was not considered.In the investment company Natixis Global Asset Management has calculated a sub-index of…