In the Network leaked specifications of Xiaomi Mi6 Plus

7 years ago

Say thanks to insiders and various masters of the leak, without them it would be boring. What would the busy…

The first meeting with the Ghost in “the Vault” (VIDEO)

7 years ago

"They knew not what evil immured in the vault", and we are now finding out. A spider web of memory…

Bloody chainsaw massacre in Spanish

7 years ago

Do you know about the existence of the horror movie called "the Spanish chainsaw massacre" (The Spanish Chainsaw Massacre)? No?…

Hard accident near Kiev: six victims

7 years ago

Three victims are in serious condition.On the highway Gostomel near Kiev the driver of the Jaguar crashed into a tree,…

Scientists have named a star twice as old as the Solar system

7 years ago

The age of the star can range from 5.4 to 9.5 billion years.Star TRAPPIST-1, around which revolve the seven planets,…

In Pakistan a powerful explosion.

7 years ago

According to the Minister, among the dead are members of the local security and civilians.The explosion in the Pakistani city…

It became known about losses of the Ukrainian military in the ATO zone

7 years ago

In the Donbas per day killed one soldier.Over the past day illegal armed groups 17 times fired at positions of…

Famous Russian singer admitted that he was shocked in Kiev. Video

7 years ago

Professor Lebedinsky made a scandalous statement about Ukrainians.Famous Russian actor Alexey Professor Lebedinsky believes that the problems of touring Ukrainian…

The canadian was surprised by the Network of “animated” tattoos. Video

7 years ago

Unusual tattoo do masters from Canada.Canadian tattoo artist Phil Berg creates his works of animation.So, the master makes the tattoo-like…

In the occupied Crimea discovered a sensational find

7 years ago

Archaeologists believe that unearthed in the Crimea, the ancient town of Tamiraka.On the West coast of the occupied Crimea, scientists…