Before March 8 in the social networks gained popularity the hashtag #Вятровичс8марта.
Users are offered to send the head of the Institute of National memory Volodymyr Viatrovych, who has previously offered to cancel March 8, due to the Communist history of the holiday flowers in women’s day.
The journalist Denis Rafalsky accompanied that hashtag data KIIS, which March 8 is the most popular festival, celebrating 49 percent of the population.
And the user Alexei Romanov recalls the Institute’s address where you can send flowers.
Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian Institute of naramata, led by Viatrovych, has prepared a bill on the abolition of Ukraine of the three spring weekends. In particular, proposed to abolish the celebration of March 8 and 1 and 9 May. In addition, the bill proposes to streamline the list of holidays and commemorative days and not to move public holidays to Monday.
This caused resentment. On the night of 1 March, unknown persons set fire to the door at the Ukrainian Institute of national memory
Also, the entrance to the Institute of national remembrance, poured paint and sealed with stickers.
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