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Absurd inventions, very popular. Photo

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. ФотоThanks to the talented inventors in our life, new technologies and devices.

However, not all inventions are equally useful and among them sometimes absolutely stupid! Say, anyone need a robot that sits on your head and feeds you tomatoes? And how this idea could come someone in the head.

15. Pillow “Hug me” - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

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Cushion “Hold me” is designed for singles or for those women whose husbands are away and unable to hug them. The monstrous thing in the form of a male torso with one hand. It is assumed that she needs to calm down, but how can soothe the body with one arm and no head? This item is sold for $ 40 with a tagline “feel this man’s embrace – without the snoring and stench”. Someone may think that this is a great gift-a joke. No. Many singles this gift may seem offensive.

14. A robot that feeds tomatoes

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Фото

To the “beer” hats we have used (such like device worn on the head frequenters of sports games to not straining to SIP beer through a straw. Invented by Japanese robot Tomatan is essentially the same thing, only not a “drinker”, and “kormilo”. And intended to serve, in General a good purpose – automatic feeding marathon runners. Just a couple of questions: why this gentleman is Tomato so dumb, if escaped from a low budget horror movie? And why tomatoes?

13. A gripper for chips

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And again the Japanese. Looks like they are fans of the chips, so they needed a special device for their eating. Well, can’t get dirty. This claw for chips, I must say, it looks like the subject goods of the cartoon character Homer Simpson. To understand how it works, view the video.

12. Hairy stockings for protection from maniacs

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For the woman who wants to wean itself from perverts, these hairy stockings are definitely a godsend. But pepper spray is more effective, and to disfigure themselves so don’t have to!

11. Form to give the eggs a cubic form and Egg Cuber

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Фото

Have you ever been irritated by the oval shape of an egg? But some confuse and figured out how to turn boiled egg out of the ellipse in cube. Well, you never know, suddenly you really want to eat eggs exclusively, cubic shape. Then you have warm, freshly hard-boiled egg placed in a special device and compress it to the desired state. Such a thing may amuse children, or to please any perfectionist, but in General it is, of course, absolutely necessary thing in the economy.

10. The camera is a revolver

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Фото

This unusual invention, as you can see, half revolver, half – camera (the terms “photography” and “camera gun” here, as never in the topic!). However, imagine the application of this device in real life would look extremely scary. The device makes an automatic picture when you press the trigger, and after a certain maximum recorded images, the film is automatically rewound. Maybe it was originally designed not for ordinary people, and for the spies? Although also very doubtful.

9. Herbal Slippers

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Who likes to walk barefoot on freshly cut grass? Probably many people like this feeling. But whether one likes it someone enough to buy him Slippers with soles from the grass and feel the movement of the blades of grass between their toes constantly? If Yes, then this invention is for you. Synthetic grass, water-mowing it is not necessary. Worms and beetles in it is not found. Matured? Massager “Truetape” will cost about 1500 rubles. Only for true nature lovers.

8. Duck muzzle for dogs

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Like the little dogs conventional dog muzzle, they have come up with a special “duck”, in the form of a duck beak. The country of the inventor to name or can guess? Japan, of course. There is an assumption that it is used by veterinarians for any medical manipulations. But the design still raises big questions.

7. Stroller-scooter

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Sounds stupid and dangerous. On the idea of the inventor, the scooter will allow a bored mom to ride and to ride with your child a breeze! Only now “with the wind” is unlikely to succeed, for obvious reasons. In addition, such a device can be dangerous for a child, imagine an adult too slammed on the brakes, and the child is not buckled. Some well a very controversial invention.

6. Jeans with transparent pocket for iPhone

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Фото

For those whose lives have been crushed by iPhone, another ingenious invention: a transparent and a touch-sensitive pocket for this smartphone, allowing without removing the device to send SMS or just another entry in the social network. It is well quite lazy! Yes, it looks like this transparent pocket idiot and too will attract unwanted attention. In fact, initially the appointment of any pockets to hide things from prying eyes, and not to put them on public display.

5. Automatic fork to wrap the spaghetti

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This is not a joke. For 10-11 dollars sold this unit for those who do not want to wind spaghetti on your fork because it is too tedious it. Invented, it is likely for young children, but why should raising the kids so lazy? Yes, it’s better fine motor skills develop.

4. AB-hencer: get yourself a 6 pack!

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Фото

Any invention to improve the appearance is simply doomed to commercial success, but this device somehow people are not fond of. Just exactly the same result can be obtained by attaching to the abdomen of the grill… Well, to wear during the day, this AB-hancer will not be in sound mind no one. And for fake six-pack abs. A normal person would go to the gym.

3. Barrels, muzzles for protection from blizzards

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Фото

When you face a strong wind blows and has spiky snow – pleasant enough. Therefore, in Canada in the late 30-ies was invented to put these plastic cone-shaped muzzles. From snowstorms they defended well, but their form left much to be desired… well-Known hat-Balaclava copes with the problem of bad weather, and looks significantly nicer.

2. Nose-stylus

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This is incredible for those who have busy hands, but loose the nose and an urgent need to work with your smartphone! Here everything is beautiful – from the initial idea to its realization. Nose stylus was invented by British designer Dominic Wilcox especially for those who loves to hang out with my phone in the bath. He decided that it would be cool to use for turning pages nose long like Pinocchio. In the end we have here is a miracle, very similar to the Venetian mask the Plague Doctor.

1. The mousetrap gun

Абсурдные изобретения, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Фото

This device was invented for the most ardent haters of mice and other rodents that do not want to rely on conventional rat traps or rat poison. The invention dates back to 1882, the inventor’s name was James Williams, he lived in Texas. This ridiculous and very dangerous trap, however, failed to become popular. Instead of the usual mechanism of trap – lure and slam it’s 50-caliber revolver were charged with the intention to shoot the mouse as soon as it entered the platform in front of the barrel and will cause thereby the pressing of the trigger. First, this method of killing rodents were too barbaric and noisy, and secondly, the gun could easily fire off and hit somebody in the leg.

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