In Ukraine domestic violence has become one of the most acute problems, which does not know social boundaries.
This was stated by the therapist Svetlana Skrynnik.
According to her, often in the role of victim is a woman. The expert noted that there are cases when wives suffer beatings and humiliation from their husbands.
In Ukraine there are cases, said Skrynnik, when a victim of domestic violence one day decided to write a statement to the police on her abuser, but then she takes it back “because I have to go home now.”
The worst thing said the psychologist that the victim in such cases can not count on the help of others – “no one will intervene”. When a woman can not stand and begins to defend himself, at such moments, may be irreparable. “I took a frying pan, hit on the head and he died. In such cases, children are taken to the orphanage, and her – a zone. For what? For what it 10 years, it endured and never gave a statement?” – said the psychologist.
According to her, surrounding often do not understand the depth of the tragedy and did not hesitate to give advice about how to “easily solve the problem.” “It’s very nice to sit somewhere in a cafe to talk about “up and left”,” – said Skrynnik. In her opinion, such advisers should at least once to get into a family and experience what every day has to face the victim of domestic violence. The psychologist emphasized that a woman in such situations never goes to demonstrative protest and constantly represses himself. The tragedy, said Skrynnik, is that in society on the home life behaves like “an angel” or “regular guy”. “And if it still works and brings money in the house is generally a disaster. I know such women who for two or three years did not see the money. It’s scary, because husbands did not give them money in hand. They did not buy anything, and lived like monkeys,” – said the expert on cases of financial abuse in the family. “Yes, they have a great big house, the house is still there, its just like a doll, taken out to some events and back returned. She wore shoes and only what he told her, and opened his mouth, when he said to her,” – said the expert.
For society is the picture of a successful family, “and in fact, when the apartment door closed,” about what’s going on behind her, said Skrynnik, I know only two – the victim and her tyrant. The psychologist stressed that women after several years of living in this hell don’t want “no money” and are ready to live even in the stairwell, just not under the same roof with her husband-a tyrant.
Skrynnik also said that in Kiev there is a hostel where these women can find shelter for a period of three to five days. The owner of the hostel, according to the psychologist, she in the past experienced abuse by her husband.
The psychologist stressed that men also face the problem of domestic violence. “When a man in such a role, it’s awful. When the woman was a tyrant in the family, it’s a disaster. When a woman raises her hand at the man, the most he can afford to raise the voice and go into another room. When it comes to intensity, it’s much more difficult…. No he will not come to the aid of the neighbors didn’t call the police on this “funny” about it – “wife beat husband”,” – said Skrynnik.
Note, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine refused to ratify the Istanbul Convention on human rights, according to which victims of domestic violence receive help and support from the state.
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