The next 15 years, the offender will spend in prison.
It all started with the fact that from the apartment on the street of Academician Zabolotnogo hear a putrid smell.
The neighbors admitted that for some time have not seen 71-year-old resident of the house.
Soon, the police learned that the old lady killed her son.
The police found in the apartment of the pensioner’s body, it was lying on the bed under several blankets in the other room, the door of which was tightly closed and sealed with adhesive tape.
Experts found out that the woman died from massive head trauma.
It turned out that the mother always scolded him because he didn’t work, did drugs and demanded money from her. About two months ago during an argument a man repeatedly hit a woman with a hammer on the head and then strangled with a belt.
The body was covered and “sealed” the door to the room. The offender was detained.
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