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A picturesque village on the lake in Hungary. Photo

Живописная деревня на озере в Венгрии. ФотоOn an artificial lake Bokodi the picturesque floating village.

Picturesque houses on stilts in the water look like a heavenly place somewhere far from civilization.

In fact, these charming pictures were taken in Hungary on the shores of lake Bokodi. The lake is artificial, but its beauty is no less captivating for tourists. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Lake Bokodi was built in 1961 for the needs of the local power plant. A water tank needed for the correct operation of the equipment. The water almost never froze while I was working a power plant, even if the air temperature is substantially decreased. Because of this, even in the winter in the tiny houses I loved to visit the fishermen. In the summer, vacationers love to spend their holidays enjoying the nature.

Живописная деревня на озере в Венгрии. Фото

The place looks very romantic: wooden walkways lead to the colorful houses. For a long time in this blessed village on the water lived only local residents, but in 2013 pictures of the lake Bokodi hit the net, and immediately began to arrive here lovers of outdoor recreation. By the way, to get to the lake is easy: it is just 80 km from Budapest.

Живописная деревня на озере в Венгрии. Фото

The plant was closed in 2015, it is expected that the tourism potential of the lake will fall. After all, “vicentamargolis” the pond is not so anymore.

Живописная деревня на озере в Венгрии. Фото
Живописная деревня на озере в Венгрии. Фото
Живописная деревня на озере в Венгрии. Фото

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