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A mother of five children stirred her figure. Photo

Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото 34-year-old woman spends a lot of time in the gym.

34-year-old Brit Simon gatli from North Yorkshire, UK, has five children, the eldest of whom is already 9 years old. But she still manages to stay in great shape and devote time to training twice a day. Mother of many children starts his day at 5 am training in the gym, then goes for a walk with the dog, and for daily sit-UPS and push-UPS uses the weight of their own children.

Simon says that she is proof that you can have a perfect body after the birth of five children, and the rest is all excuses, and a simple unwillingness to deal with them. The Briton says that her stunning figure and fitness regime is not in control of her life. She just wants to show other moms that there is no excuse rasplyvsheysya the figure after childbirth

Her husband, 45-year-old Professor Paul hatle, and their children Minnie (age 2), India (5 years) blossom (6 years), Chester (7 years old) and summer (9 years old) love to play sports and get used to walking long distances. “When I was pregnant the first time, we ate nonstop and gained so many extra pounds, what to leave weighed 3 times his normal weight.”

“However, after the birth of the summer I took myself in hand and returned to his old form. Ever since I gave birth to four children. And although my stomach and press was subjected, as you know, a lot of changes, I have still eight pack”.

“I want to show other women that you don’t have to live in the gym to have a flat stomach and a toned body.”

“Many friends ask how I manage in the gym, and five children to follow. But the fact is that without training I would not have so much to do. Thanks to daily training in the gym while your family sleep healthy and fresh food that I feel great and I have energy to spare”.

In the daily diet Simon included:

Breakfast — granola or scrambled eggs,
lunch — salad with grains and salmon,
dinner — fish or Turkey and baked vegetables
snack — 2 banana.

Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото
Мать пятерых детей взбудоражила своей фигурой. Фото

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