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A glass of this drink a day will eliminate excess weight

Стакан этого напитка в день избавит от лишнего весаFlour of linseed is the perfect tool for cleansing of the bowel and it is often used for weight loss.

Flax seeds contain essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, fiber, vitamins, lignans.

Lignans affect the condition of the prostate, reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, seeds of flax and linseed meal have a positive effect on prostate health, have a positive effect on the health of skin, hair, nails, digestion.22_resultЛьняная flour is an incredibly useful product that will help you a short time to normalize their own weight and cleanse the digestive system.

We have prepared for you a unique recipe for a remedy for quick weight loss, cleansing and General improvement of the body. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Based drink of Flaxseed meal: purification and recovery

You need one teaspoon of Flaxseed meal, pour a half Cup of lukewarm boiled water, allow to cool slightly and infuse (5-10 minutes) and then another half Cup, but hot water (but not boiled). After the infusion has cooled, add to it a teaspoon of natural honey.

Make a remedy should be one glass, a few hours before bedtime.

Also, other useful medicinal beverage based on Flaxseed meal and yogurt.

For this daily for Breakfast for 3 weeks you need to drink 1% a day yogurt mixed with flax meal. In the first week to drink 100 ml of yogurt + 1 teaspoon of Flaxseed meal; the second week the dose of Flaxseed meal should be increased to 2 teaspoons, yogurt remains in the same amount; from the third week of increasing the dose of Flaxseed meal to a maximum of 3 teaspoons + 150 ml of kefir.

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