Recipe for a happy life in Odessa.
We all know that the Odessa — people are very cheerful. They don’t lose their composure and sense of humor, even if something goes wrong.
We propose to learn this valuable skill the inhabitants of the famous city.
The Governor remembers his youth:
You would not believe, Sophie, but the best moments of my life are connected with football!
— Rose L., you still went to the stadium to root for the “Chernomorets”?
— No, went to my husband Sam, and come to me our neighbor benny!
— Izzy, what do you recommend as a means for weight loss green tea or green coffee?
Fira, I beg you! Still eat green pudding of the day minus three pounds!
Odessa. The kitchen in the apartment Rabinovich:
-Mom, I’m getting married!
-On whom, Fimochka?
-She’s not Jewish. What a shame! Over my dead body!
-Mom, her dad is the owner of the steel mill!
-Fima, get married! Shame we’ll go to the States, and with the funeral, I agree!
Family Rabinovich lies down to sleep.
— Sam, come on today without it. I have so headache!
— Rose, my dear, I am very concerned about your headaches. Probably will have to spend on treatment the money sho we were putting you on the coat!
— Monya, Sara why are you sulking?
— Oy vey, yesterday brought her dress. She says: “you Fool, nobody is”.
— So what?
Today has brought another, she says: “Idiot, it’s are everything!”.
-You know, Bob raped a coffin with music, for which he hardly dreamed of. And crying neighbors? To be honest, so to cry only from the large envy. I think you are. A coffin with music! If Boris could see…
So well that Bob did not seen. Or do you not know Bob? Would lie in a coffin and traded with the musicians.
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