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7 reasons to start squatting right now

 7 причин начать приседать прямо сейчасSquats is one of the basic exercises that are a must.

There is a whole series of exercises that are much more effective than is commonly thought, among them the need to emphasize squats.

They exert a powerful effect on our body and lead it into a better shape.

As we know, squats are one of the basic exercises, which is present in all types of strength training.

This simple exercise helps to work the muscles of the legs, hips and buttocks, and strengthen bones, ligaments and tendons of the legs and hips.

In addition, the squat is one of three exercises of powerlifting, which is develop and tone leg muscles. For some this exercise is essential.

Experts told about all the benefits of squats.

1. Squats will make you stronger

This seemingly simple exercise as the squats will make stronger certain areas of your body, e.g. the buttocks, quadriceps and muscles of the back of the thigh.

In addition, this is a great exercise to strengthen the hips, which is very important for the development of flexibility.

Squats also stimulate the production of hormones responsible for maintaining the good condition of the muscles, and strengthening the whole body. If you add weight, it will increase all the benefits listed above.

2. Better legs and buttocks

Squats will help to make a significant impact and give your feet and thighs more perfect form.

This simple exercise is a great way to quickly build muscle, making your legs become more robust and will be in good shape.

3. Improvement of mobility

Squats, despite its simplicity, is very help to develop flexibility and mobility.

This is a great way to increase the range of motion the hips and ankles that will help reduce the pain in the lower back and knees.

This exercise does not harm joints, so it is recommended for everyone.

4. Better coordination

A simple exercise such as squats with weights, able to challenge the center of gravity and eventually to keep balance during the whole range of motion.

Transverse and rectus muscles of the abdomen are always under pressure when you are doing squats, resulting in a flatter stomach and toned muscles.

The very fact of having strong muscles will help prevent possible future injuries.

5. Use for your back

It seems strange, but squats can greatly improve your posture.

Do you exercise with a weight or without it, you will notice how much involved your upper back, which helps to maintain body balance during movement.

This strengthens the muscles responsible for good posture, and slowly, it will straighten up automatically thanks to the worked muscles.

6. Exercises with one leg

There are different types of squats, including squats with one leg.

In order to run it, you must transfer your entire body weight on the right leg, raise the left and bend the knee.

You should then raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level.

Next you need to bend right knee, shift hips back and down until the knee will be parallel to the floor.

Keep the chest lifted, push back the lower part of the right foot and return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions and you will feel the difference.

7. Squats with weights

There is a whole series of sit-UPS, which include exercises with weights.

To do this type of squats, you can take a special ball or a dumbbell and place them in front of chest.

Keep blades and lift your chest.

Place your feet at hips width and bend their knees. Move your hips back until, until they become parallel to the floor.

Next, go up to the starting position and do three sets of 10 repetitions with 30 seconds rest between sets.

This is a very simple exercise, but doing it regularly, you will notice the difference and feel much stronger.

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