To speed up hair growth, wanting to get luxurious hair a little.
I dream of long thick hair? To grow them, of course, difficult, but possible.
Here are some practical tips that will help you to realize your dream. Go for it!
Folic acid. Girls who dream of gorgeous tresses, you should include in your diet folic acid, and other words vitamin B9. It promotes healthy growth of nails and hair. If you do not want to swallow pills, drink more of Listova vegetables, and citrus.
Water. What could be easier than drinking pure water? Try to drink about eight glasses of water a day and your hair will grow by leaps and bounds.
Protection. If you’re regularly forced to use the dryer, irons or Curling irons, purchase a special product to protect hair from thermal effects. And better and to abandon the devices that damage the hair.
Protein. Eat more fish, meat and dairy products. Protein is your secret of success.
Massage. The scalp massage improves blood circulation and activates hair follicles. The procedure takes only five minutes a day, and the results are visible few weeks.
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