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Home / culture / 37-year-old Gaitan struck Frank the

37-year-old Gaitan struck Frank the

37-летняя Гайтана поразила откровенным снимкомThe famous Ukrainian artist published in his photoblog racy picture in which she poses Topless.

Profile of the Ukrainian singer Gaitana in Instagram there was quite a candid shot, where the actress posing Topless.

In the caption to the publication, the singer has posted a poem (spelling and punctuation of the author saved – approx. ed.):

“That je sur” ( not song)

No, chomu not posmus
I songs of veselih, Chom dumb
I bagato rokiv numerous
To sniti summer there, yde de winter

B, call the early bird at the Shklo znajome
Amirouche not those vikno
Pomilki moï – inoca karma
Znov aktorka not his kno
Chom sluhay’t you, Granny?
Chom so Shvidko heart vday?
Znov stake, IDU odne Ter sama
Vzhe sobi nabrydlo s CIM ” love “

The beginning of “enchanted tyrant”
Z pershoho of love,th still PR
I Kohala yangola spochatku
Next Rozum, je sur

No, chomu not posmus
I songs of veselih, Chom dumb
I bagato rokiv numerous
To sniti summer there, yde de winter

Fans have written rave reviews about the work of his idol and asked why Robbie Williams didn’t take part in the national selection for Eurovision 2017.

Recall that the popular singer Robbie Williams after four-year break returned to the top of the Ukrainian show-business and has presented a new song.

37-летняя Гайтана поразила откровенным снимком

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